Welcome in Win Library 3.0 world WINLIB30.EXE has been developed with Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0, and need the following programs wich are automatically istalled in the same directory of the principal software (you can deleted them if you find in c:\windows\system\ directory) : - VBRUN300.DLL - GRID.VBX - THREED.VBX - GAUGE.VBX - CMDIALOG.VBX - MSMASKED.VBX - CSVLIST.VBX Type A:/INSTALL from the floppy disk to install automaticaly all these programs in a new directory (default : c:\Winlib30\) and create a icon to start the software. ____________________________________________________________________ BE CAREFUL: SHARE.EXE must have been executed before starting Win Library (we recommend you to install that command in AUTOEXEC.BAT) ____________________________________________________________________ A version in visual basic 4 running on Windows 95 is also avalaible. Good Luck. After this try, I will be glad to dialog with you, to send you a license number that will open more doors in the software. Henri JOUSSELLIN 3, Place Roger Salengro 44000 NANTES FRANCE Phone: 33 - 2 40 48 01 74 Fax : 33 - 2 40 48 01 87 E-mail : Internet:100437,112@COMPUSERVE.COM henryj@club-internet.fr